  • 我的观影记录

  Taking the title of the most emblematic song by Joe Arroyo, one of the ground-breaking forces of Caribbean music, “Rebellion” transports us to a period, a place and a state of mind.   Arroyo, the leader of the 1970s salsa explosion, finally receives the movie he deserves. It’s a trip to the darkest side of creation, the possessiveness of music compared to other loves, reaching the deep bottom a genius has to touch to emerge with gems to be cherished by everyone. Arroyo blended together salsa, cumbia, konpa, zouk and other styles from the African diaspora in a fusion of inimitable sound which the movie dares to reflect in images. Timeless songs (be sure not to miss referential tracks such as “Manyoma”, “La noche”) burst forth from his devotion to music, febrile moments of creativity and illumination but also nights of loneliness, madness, crossed feelings, passion, emotions and chaos. “Rebelion” arises as a timeless journey to the roots of creation, presenting Joe Arroyo as a true rebel.   How to depict one of the best performers ever? Don't expect a classic musical. Jorge Rugeles (“Alias Maria”, Cannes 2015), well-experienced in many fields, shows that Colombian cinema has its own deep personality, beyond the standards of its northern neighbour, delivering a really special “El Joe” singer biopic that will allow us to know not just his music, but quite a lot more – the legend.   源自:https://poff.ee/en/film/rebelin/


2023-07-09 04:57:48,最后更新于 11月前


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◎影片时长:105 分钟


◎影片编剧:罗斯·鲁黑列斯 马丁·毛雷吉 




◎更新时间:2023-07-09 04:57:48


  Taking the title of the most emblematic song by Joe Arroyo, one of the ground-breaking forces of Caribbean music, “Rebellion” transports us to a period, a place and a state of mind.

  Arroyo, the leader of the 1970s salsa explosion, finally receives the movie he deserves. It’s a trip to the darkest side of creation, the possessiveness of music compared to other loves, reaching the deep bottom a genius has to touch to emerge with gems to be cherished by everyone. Arroyo blended together salsa, cumbia, konpa, zouk and other styles from the African diaspora in a fusion of inimitable sound which the movie dares to reflect in images. Timeless songs (be sure not to miss referential tracks such as “Manyoma”, “La noche”) burst forth from his devotion to music, febrile moments of creativity and illumination but also nights of loneliness, madness, crossed feelings, passion, emotions and chaos. “Rebelion” arises as a timeless journey to the roots of creation, presenting Joe Arroyo as a true rebel.

  How to depict one of the best performers ever? Don't expect a classic musical. Jorge Rugeles (“Alias Maria”, Cannes 2015), well-experienced in many fields, shows that Colombian cinema has its own deep personality, beyond the standards of its northern neighbour, delivering a really special “El Joe” singer biopic that will allow us to know not just his music, but quite a lot more – the legend.



  {港剧网为您整理了电影《Rebelión》的相关资讯,《Rebelión》于哥伦比亚上映,是一部由导演罗斯·鲁黑列斯 导演执导,罗斯·鲁黑列斯 马丁·毛雷吉 担任编剧,哥伦比亚电影,手机免费观看全集高清未删减完整版电影大全就上港剧网(www.053918.com),本网站同时也提供《Rebelión》的BT种子、迅雷、磁力链等下载资源。更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解。最后温馨提示:在享受影片带给我们的学习和娱乐体验的同时,请不要长时间处于近距离观影状态,这样对视力和眼睛疲劳有负面影响。


