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  美國FX有線電視片集《Over There》   第一部有關伊拉克戰爭的電視片集《Over There》將在美國FX有線電視播出,這是美國電視史上首次在還未撤軍的同時,播出相關內容的戰爭劇集。FX有線電視隸屬澳洲傳媒大亨梅鐸旗下的霍士電視集團,霍士集團向來公開支持美國總統布殊出兵伊拉克,但FX有線電視否認播出這部劇集是為攻伊宣傳及爭取支持.   From producer Steven Bochco ("NYPD Blue," "L.A. Law," "Hill Street Blues") comes the first scripted television series set in a current, ongoing war involving the United States. Gritty, intense, evocative and emotional, "Over There" takes you to the front lines of battle and explores the effects of war on a U.S. Army unit sent to Iraq on their first tour of duty, as well as the equally powerful effects felt at home by their families and loved ones.   Unlike any number of movies and TV shows starring middle-age actors portraying American fighting forces in past wars, Over There's combat soldiers look and act like the barely-out-of-high-school young adults (many of whom, in Over There, joined the military out of economic necessity) most of our real-life troops actually are.   Whatever one's feelings about the Iraq war, Bochco and co-writer and director Chris Gerolmo (Citizen X) cut through the politics to get to the individuals whose lives are on the line, who left behind families to find themselves in a most alien environment, fired upon for reasons they may not fully understand. Gerolmo does a superb job of showing us combat conditions in desert sandstorms, with rookie soldiers hanging tough under intense heat while insurgents fire from a distance at anything that moves. This is a new kind of war show, yet in many ways Over There embraces a few sentimental conventions, notably scenes in which the unit's members explain the origins of their nicknames ("Angel," "Dim," "Doublewide," "Mrs. B," and more). In the Bochco tradition, when violence comes, it comes as a grievous surprise....


2024-05-31 12:56:13,最后更新于 13天前




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◎影片导演:Jesse Bochco Nelson McCormick 

◎影片编剧:Joel Fields 史蒂文·布奇科 克里斯·格罗尔莫 

◎影片主演:乔什·亨德森 卢克·马可法莱恩 埃里克·帕拉迪诺 基斯·罗宾逊 斯蒂奇·芬格茨 Omid Abtahi Lizette Carrion 妮基·艾考克斯 





◎更新时间:2024-05-31 12:56:13


  美國FX有線電視片集《Over There》

  第一部有關伊拉克戰爭的電視片集《Over There》將在美國FX有線電視播出,這是美國電視史上首次在還未撤軍的同時,播出相關內容的戰爭劇集。FX有線電視隸屬澳洲傳媒大亨梅鐸旗下的霍士電視集團,霍士集團向來公開支持美國總統布殊出兵伊拉克,但FX有線電視否認播出這部劇集是為攻伊宣傳及爭取支持.

  From producer Steven Bochco ("NYPD Blue," "L.A. Law," "Hill Street Blues") comes the first scripted television series set in a current, ongoing war involving the United States. Gritty, intense, evocative and emotional, "Over There" takes you to the front lines of battle and explores the effects of war on a U.S. Army unit sent to Iraq on their first tour of duty, as well as the equally powerful effects felt at home by their families and loved ones.

  Unlike any number of movies and TV shows starring middle-age actors portraying American fighting forces in past wars, Over There's combat soldiers look and act like the barely-out-of-high-school young adults (many of whom, in Over There, joined the military out of economic necessity) most of our real-life troops actually are.

  Whatever one's feelings about the Iraq war, Bochco and co-writer and director Chris Gerolmo (Citizen X) cut through the politics to get to the individuals whose lives are on the line, who left behind families to find themselves in a most alien environment, fired upon for reasons they may not fully understand. Gerolmo does a superb job of showing us combat conditions in desert sandstorms, with rookie soldiers hanging tough under intense heat while insurgents fire from a distance at anything that moves. This is a new kind of war show, yet in many ways Over There embraces a few sentimental conventions, notably scenes in which the unit's members explain the origins of their nicknames ("Angel," "Dim," "Doublewide," "Mrs. B," and more). In the Bochco tradition, when violence comes, it comes as a grievous surprise....


  {港剧网为您整理了电视剧《那时那地》的相关资讯,《那时那地》于美国上映,是一部由导演Jesse Bochco Nelson McCormick 导演执导,Joel Fields 史蒂文·布奇科 克里斯·格罗尔莫 担任编剧,乔什·亨德森 卢克·马可法莱恩 埃里克·帕拉迪诺 基斯·罗宾逊 斯蒂奇·芬格茨 Omid Abtahi Lizette  等演员精彩演绎的美国电视剧,手机免费观看全集高清未删减完整版电影大全就上港剧网(www.053918.com),本网站同时也提供《那时那地》的BT种子、迅雷、磁力链等下载资源。更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解。最后温馨提示:在享受影片带给我们的学习和娱乐体验的同时,请不要长时间处于近距离观影状态,这样对视力和眼睛疲劳有负面影响。


